
Catch OnePass members are entitled to free shipping, exclusive deals and discounts on OnePass eligible products. As a seller, you can specify via Omnivore which of your products are eligible for OnePass.

How is it beneficial?

For Sellers:  OnePass badge attracts more customers and increases sales potential. Sellers with this badge see benefits such as higher customer engagement, cross-shopping, and revenue growth.

For Customers: OnePass members get perks like free shipping, exclusive prices, and priority fulfillment, making their shopping experience more appealing.

To join the Seller Fulfilled OnePass (SFOP) program and have a OnePass Badge on your listings, please submit a ticket to the Catch team via the Partner here:

More information about Seller Fulfilled OnePass (SFOP) program here:

Important Information

  1. OnePass members are the most active members of Catch and also search for products with the OnePass badge. NB: When a OnePass customer purchases the product, you as the Seller will not receive any shipping charges as the shipping is free. 
  2. If you have products with one pass enabled, you may set dual pricing for one pass members starting in April 2023 by offering a minimum 5% discount. To activate the discount, please contact your Catch account manager.

Setup Instructions

  1. Submit a ticket to the Catch team via Partner Hub to request joining the Seller Fulfilled OnePass (SFOP) program.
  2. If your store has been approved to join the SFOP Program create a product group for the products that you want to be eligible. Go to 'Products - Product Groups' then click 'Add a product group' and use the different criteria available e.g you may only want products over $100 to be eligible for OnePass.  Ensure you make the product group Marketplace Field ALL or Catch.
  3. Go to 'Products - Product Actions' then click 'Create Catch One Pass'
  4. Choose the Product Group you created in step 1 above and click save.
  5. The Product Action that is connected to the Product Group will then assign the Catch One Pass Edibility flag and mark it as True in Catch for those products.
  6. Go to the Dashboard and click 'Upload to Catch', this will send the product action to Catch and set the necessary flag as required.

One of the following badges will be displayed on your listings: 

1)    If you have shipping charges on your listing but One Pass enabled: 


2)    If you have free shipping and One Pass enabled: