
  • Category Mapping is assigning a Catch marketplace category to your products so that they are listed in the correct category on Catch. 
  • For example, if you sell a pair of womens jeans you would assign them to the category Apparel & Footwear > Women's > Apparel > Jeans  category on Catch.
  • Assigning a category to a product enables that product to be listed on Catch - if your product doesn't have a Catch category, it won't list.

Category Mapping Functions

  1. You can assign at the Category to Category Level OR at the Product to Category level.  Category to Category uses your Retailer Category imported from your eCommerce Store.
  2. Suggested Categories - these are recommendations/suggestions and if not appropriate you don't have to use them
  3. Choose Category - click this button if you want to choose a category from the Catch Category tree 
  4. Ignore Toggle - toggle to green (on) if you want to ignore a Retailer Category for the purposes of assigning categories

Category to Category

Product to Category

General Guidelines

  • You only need to assign categories to your products ONCE, you don't need to do it again unless you want to change the category 
  • You should ONLY choose ONE Catch category for a product
  • If you have blocked products from Catch they are not included in the list of products that require a category. If you unblock the products, then they will then require a category if you want them listed on Catch

Options for assigning a category to products

  1. Assign a Catch category to all products in a retailer category
    1. This is the quickest option if your retailer categories are well aligned to the Catch category. For example if your retailer category from your ecommerce store is Food Processors you can assign the Catch category 'Electronics & Appliances > Appliances > Small Kitchen Appliances > Mixers & Food Processors > Food Processors' so that ALL products from your retailer category are listed there.
    2. This DOES NOT WORK if your retailer categories are NOT well aligned to the Catch marketplace category. For example, if the retailer category is 'blenders' and contains a variety of products including food processors, stick blenders, handheld blenders then there is not a corresponding category on Catch that matches it. You should then assign categories to individual products.
    3. Create mapping rules - when you add new products to a category in your ecommerce store and a Catch category has been assigned in CatchFeeder we will import the new product and assign the category automatically so that the new product lists on Catch.
  2. Assign a Catch category to a product(s)
    1. If your retailer categories do not match Catch categories then you will need to assign categories to individual products.
  3. Assign Categories Use Keyword Filters.
    1. If you have a retailer category that does not align well with a single marketplace category you can filter the products within that retailer category by keyword to create a rule.  Please refer to this FAQ here.

Order of mapping rules

  • The mapping rules are applied in the order: most specific to least specific, ie first Single Product mapping, if any, then Category mapping, if any. 
  • If a product belongs to more than one category, and the categories have mapping rules, the mapping rule for the category with the smallest number of products will be used, we consider this one to be the most specific category.
  • If a category is marked as "Ignored", it is not considered for the purpose of mapping.

Best Practise

  • Ignore all your 'promotional' categories so that products are sitting in the best category 
  • Start by assigning Catch Categories at the 'Retailer Category' level as this is an easy way to do it in bulk.
  • Any products that can't be assigned at the 'Retailer Category' level you will need to assign individually
  • If you’re not sure which category to assign to your products, do a search for the product or similar products on Catch and see which categories come up