Updated April 2024.


About Brand On Catch

To list branded products on Catch, a valid brand name and UPC/GTIN/EAN issued by GS1 are required. 

This Catch requirement became more important in February 2024 when Catch made changes and moved to Catalogue Manager - Catch Catalogue Manager

You can verify UPC/ EAN / GTIN existence on the GS1 website https://www.gs1.org/services/verified-by-gs1

If you manufacture your own products and lack a UPC/EAN (e.g., clothing labels), add your 'Retailer Name' to the 'Own Brands' field in Omnivore/CatchFeeder under 'Settings - Catch - General'. 

  1. In Omnivore go to Catch - Settings - General.
  2. In Own Brand add the  name of your Retailer Name
  3. Our example has a retailer name of Pacific Label
  4. Click update on this settings page.
  5. Retailer name is the name that appears on the Omnivore/CatchFeeder Dashboard up the top on the green bar.
  6. This relaxes the UPC/EAN requirement, allowing your products to be accepted and listed on Catch. 
  7. Ensure the brand name entered for the products on your website / eCommerce Platform matches the value entered in the Own Brands field in Omnivore.

Products with a brand name of "Unbranded" or "Generic" as the brand name will not be accepted by Catch.

About MPN on Catch

Update from Catch Marketplace.  In line with the upcoming changes to our Catalogue Manager, we will also be making changes in line with how our product data is accepted. There are now only three scenarios where MPN is an acceptable identifier:

  1. Products that Catch requires you to use MPN for compliance & legal reasons, e.g. alcohol. The product must still list the product's correct brand name.
  2. Products that are a self-created bundle. All the products in the bundle must have a GTIN or approved MPN usage (via one of the other examples in this list).
  3. Products that are your own brand: If the brand name is registered and can be found via IP Australia it will be sent through for approval. If the brand name is not registered, seller must check for the following:
  4. When you search for the brand name on Google, does it appear on the first page of results?
  5. Seller must provide proof of production, by means of photographs of your warehouse or manufacturing facility, design schematics, etc, that clearly show the usage of the brand name (Please, no promotional images).

If both these conditions can be met, then they can be sent through for approval. Please note that store names will not be accepted as a brand name.

These business rules will take effect for all new product submissions. All other current products will be grandfathered into this new process.

A few other important points:

  1. There will be no further exemptions to these rules. While we want as many products as possible on Catch, we need to ensure a level of data control & accuracy, and more importantly, product safety accountability (for everyone) and product quality.
  2. MPN usage is a last resort and must only be used if GTIN is not feasible to obtain. If the seller is reselling branded products from other companies, they will still need to obtain GTIN information from their suppliers before they can list it. MPN is not to be used as a stop-gap measure while we wait to gather the correct information.
  3. This isn't a guarantee that the products will be approved, simply that it will help pass the product data check stage. It will still need to be reviewed by the team.