This article covers the points you must be aware of if you are changing or moving your site to a new eCommerce Platform.

As we make changes we are revising this information to ensure it is relevant and up to date.

This article is not platform specific.  E.g if you are moving from Woo-commerce to Shopify or Magento to Shopify all of this information will be relevant to you.

Reinstalling and Setting Up Again:

If you have been using any of our Apps to integrate to marketplaces and you move from one eCommerce Platform to another you will be required to do an entirely new setup from your new eCommerce Platform Site.

Eg.  You installed Omnivore in Shopify and you are now moving to Woo-commerce, you will need to install the Omnivore Plugin for Woo-commerce.  We cannot take your existing instance in our system and migrate it.  The nature of eCommerce Platform Integrations and using our Apps is unique and slightly different based on each eCommerce Platform.  

Go to our Support Portal and from the Getting Started: Installation and Set up section find the relevant article to assist you get setup again from your new eCommerce Site.

Products and Product Data:

Currently we will have to re-import all of your products again once you get setup on your new eCommerce Site.  Because we currently use the product ID from eCommerce Platforms as our SKU which we send to the marketplaces; this means that when you move platforms the SKU we use will change.  Please see the relevant FAQ's below that explain this in detail.

Even though you have your sku value from your eCommerce Platform, we don't use that value, we use the Product ID assigned by the eCommerce Platform as our SKU.

For this reason, at this time, your marketplace listings will have to be ended or purged before you go live from your new eCommerce Site.  This is necessary to avoid duplicated data.

Your products will have to be remapped to marketplace categories, but we can assist to import the mappings using a CSV.

Before You Go Live:

Within our system depending on which app you are using (eBay LINK, Omnivore, CatchFeeder, Trade Runner) you will have a new account after you complete signup and connect from your new eCommerce Platform.  Depending on circumstance you may be able to still have your old account active as you set up our new account in our system.  This allows for the opportunity to replicate some of your settings from your old integration to your new one. E.g. shipping setup, promotions, product name templates, description templates, exclusions, mappings, product groups etc.

Your new integration in our system will remain in Setup with Start Selling Activation un-clicked until you manually go live by hitting Start Selling.  If you are migrating platforms we do not recommend hitting Start Selling from your new integration until you contact our Support Team.  There are checks we do that can save time and error.  

We have a setting that allows us to import orders from a certain date, ensure the date we have in our system is the date you go live, or your preferred date, this means we won't import orders you do not want or need into your new system.

The Marketplaces:

If you use one of our Apps to integrate and you are changing eCommerce Platforms please contact each marketplace and let them know that your SKU's are going to change due to the fact you are moving eCommerce Platform.  Please seek their advice on any points you need to be aware as per their documentation.

How We Handle Data:

Please note with importance the FAQ's below and how they relate to your change, they specify what eCommerce Data we use for Product Identification.

Shopify -

Bigcommerce -

Woocommerce -

Potential Problems When You Try to Install from Your New eCommerce Site:

For several reasons you may see a System error when you attempt to install the App from your new eCommerce Site.  Please note the example and reasons below:

You installed eBay LINK on your Woocommerce Site and you are now trying to install eBay LINK from your Shopify Site.

Your site details are most likely the same, meaning, the domain name, retailer code and admin email address that you used in Woocommerce will be re-used in Shopify.  This is a problem for us because we already have an account in our system using that data from your previous install, therefore when you attempt to install from your new site we may reject it because the credentials are in use and credentials must be unique.  We retrieve the credentials from the eCommerce Platform when the app/plugin is first installed and connected.  So if your email in Woocommerce was [email protected] and you also used [email protected] as the admin user in your Shopify account our system will detect that [email protected]m is already associated with an account and will not allow the new install from Shopify.  Other credentials that cannot be re-used are the retailer code and the site name.

So what can you do?  When you install any of our Apps they each connect to a different server and that server securely validates your credentials when you launch the App from your eCommerce Site.  

So eBay LINK installs connect and validate to a different server to Omnivore installs, this means that if you did have the exact same site credentials as explained above and you attempted to install Omnivore you would be able to successfully install because the location you are installing to does not yet have your credentials.  For this reason we often suggest installing a different App which allows you to simultaneously have your old and new connections active (with only one being marketplace live at one time).  This is one work-around.

Another option is that we delete the account we have in our system that is connected to the old site you are integrating from.  This will free up and remove any credential information from our system so you can do a new install.  

This means you can reinstall the exact same App again from your new eCommerce Site

In most cases we observe that the credentials are the same from the retiring site to the new site, so installation from the new site can be problematic.    If you do try to install the same App from your new site it is most likely our system has detected that your credentials are not existing already hence you will be able to install successfully.

It is best to read this FAQ, understand the process and contact Support if you need further assistance.