If you have a WooCommerce Store and you want to sell on Catch you can use the CatchFeeder Plugin.  With the CatchFeeder plugin, you can connect WooCommerce to the Catch Marketplace.

How to Install the CatchFeeder Plugin

1.  Login to your WooCommerce admin site. Go to ‘Plugins’ in the left navigation menu, click 'Add New.  Search for CatchFeeder and click Install Plugin and Activate.

4.  CatchFeeder will now appear on the left hand Menu under WooCommerce.  Click CatchFeeder and check the email address is correct.  Click Save Changes, the click Go To CatchFeeder.

7.  Click Lets get selling.

  1. Complete your store, contact and billing information and click Register.
  2. Check your email and click on the confirm link in the body of that email.
  3. Select the best option that fits your experience and continue to the Dashboard.
  4. You are now ready to start setting up your catch integration in CatchFeeder, starting with connect now to authorise CatchFeeder to your Catch Store.

What's next?