
This FAQ provides an overview of shipping options on Catch marketplace.

Resources for setting up shipping on Catch

Shipping is generally set up within Catch and will be discussed with you by your Catch account manager. See also Shipping Grid Configuration in the Catch support section for information on how to set up shipping in Catch.

Options for shipping on Catch

The options available for shipping are:

  • Flat rate shipping
  • Free shipping; on all products or for products over a certain threshold
  • Shipping based on 18 defined shipping zones - create a flat rate for each zone. You can also set different rates for parcel sizes within each zone. NB: for a breakdown of zones/postcodes, see this Catch FAQ.
  • Weight based shipping - you will need to set up Product Groups using the Weight criteria in CatchFeeder then link each product group to a Catch Logistics Class in CatchFeeder .
  • Shipping charges for different products as defined using Product Groups in Omnivore