
This FAQ covers all the things to consider while you're getting set up on Catch.

Setting up a Catch Account to Sell on Catch

If you need to contact Catch Marketplace to setup a new Store or Account please visit this link here -

Connect CatchFeeder to Catch 

Please follow this FAQ to connect and authorise CatchFeeder to your Catch Account.

Click Here

See this link for further information around How to set up Catch Marketplace

Sellers with existing Catch listings PLEASE READ

Please read this article as extra steps need to be taken 

Product Identifiers

  • All products on Catch require product identifiers such as UPCs, MPNs or ISBNs etc. CatchFeeder will import this data from your eCommerce store. If you are Magento, please make sure you map the correct data fields when setting up.
  • Own Brands: Catch generally expects a UPC and a Brand name when you list a product. If you have your own brand e.g Oxford and don't have UPC's you can enter a list of your own brands in the field 'Own Brand' under 'Settings - Catch - General' so that CatchFeeder passes your brand name/s to Catch. That way it will show as 'Brand: Oxford' instead of 'Brand: unbranded' on Catch.

Choose which products to list

  • You will need to select a Catch category for each product you want to list on Catch. See Category Mapping for more instructions
  • If there are products you don't want to list on Catch, you can either Block them or simply not choose a Catch category for them to list on. You can block a single product or exclude products by brand or keyword.
  • If you are selling in the Fashion category, there are some brand exclusions. See Brands Excluded from Catch
  • Please note that all products/ offers need to be approved by the Catch Account Managers before they will appear on Catch.


  • If you want to change the price of products you can create a promotion to increase or decrease the price of all products or a group of products.
  • If you're an international seller, you can also create custom exchange rates - go to 'Settings - Currencies' if you don't want to use the daily default rate which fluctuates.


  • You will need to set up shipping areas and charges via Catch first. Login to Catch and then go to  "My Account - Settings - Shipping and Delivery'
  • Once you have set up the shipping in Catch, you can then link CatchFeeder to the shipping classes in Catch. 
  • You can also create Product Groups in CatchFeeder and attach them to different shipping classes in Catch so that different products can have different shipping charges

Stock Buffer

  • You can set up a stock buffer under 'Settings - Administration' if you carry low levels of stock and want to reduce the chance of overselling.

Image Size

  • Images for Catch marketplace must be at least 600x600 pixels. If they are less than this, they will not be displayed.

Size Chart

  • If you are selling products which require a size chart, you can add an image of the Size Chart to all listings or a group of products
  • Create the Product Group (go to 'Products - Product Groups' in CatchFeeder) then go to ‘Products – Product Actions’ and click ‘Create additional image’. 
  • Complete the required information. You will need the image hosted on a URL to enter here.

Product Condition

The information below shows how Product Condition works between CatchFeeder and Catch Marketplace.

CatchFeeder to Catch Specific Conditions Are:

  • CatchFeeder Condition = new -> Catch Marketplace = new
  • CatchFeeder Condition = new-other -> Catch Marketplace =refurbished grade-a
  • CatchFeeder Condition = refurbished or seller-refurbished -> Catch Marketplace  = refurbished grade-b

You can adjust the Condition of your products in CatchFeeder by using the Product Action Drop-down Menu on the product search page.  Please refer to the 3 options above when changing your product condition.

Customer email address on orders

  • Catch does not give out the customers email address. If the customer email address is a required field in your ecommerce system, please go to 'Settings - Catch - General' and enter ${order_id}@<yourdomainname> in the field 'Default Order Email'. See this FAQ for more information.


  • CatchFeeder strongly recommends testing the set up before launching your live store
  • Firstly test your ecommerce connection:  Navigate to SETTINGS / FEEDS / GENERAL in the left hand menu.  Select the TEST CONNECTION button (about half way down the page).  If successful this will show "API connection successful"
  • Secondly test your order flow:  Navigate to a product page and scroll down to the marketplace product details.  You should see a a yellow SEND TEST button.  Select this and it will send a test order to your ecommerce system. Fulfil the order as normal  (there is no money attached to the order).  If successful, then process a refund from your eCommerce system as per normal. This will mark the order as REFUNDED ONLINE in CatchFeeder .